
You can find services for your trip in the nearby areas of Tankavaara.

Nearest health and medical services:

Ivalo Health Care

Emergency nurse (24h / day): +358 40 770 9187 (first aid and emergency calls only)

Pharmacy and medicine cabinet services:

Nearest pharmacy is Ivalo pharmacy, which serves as follows:

Mon 9-18
Tue- Thu 9-17
Fri 9-18
Sat 10-14

Nearest medicine cabinet service is located in Vuotso K-extra Sieppi, 10 minutes from Tankavaara in the center of Vuotso village. You can get pharmacy products such as painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs from your medicine cabinet. The Saariselkä Department Store Kuukkeli and K-Supermarket Ivalo also operate a medicine cabinet.

Sodankylä Health Center is located about 100 km south of Tankavaara. The emergency number is (24h/day): +358 20 692881. There is also a pharmacy in Sodankylä.

Emergency number 112

Remember the emergency number: 112. No area code is required to call 112, even if you are calling from a mobile phone. You can call 112 free of charge using any phone.

Groceries, Veikkaus and other services

Tankavaara’s nearest grocery store is the K-extra Sieppi (Vuotso shop) in the center of Vuotso. In addition to groceries and fuel, the store has a post office and medicine cabinet service.

The nearest Veikkauspiste (betting service) also serves in K-extra Vuotso.

The shop is open daily:

Mon 08:30-18:00
Tue 08:30-18:00
Wed 08:30-18:00
Thu 08:30-18:00
Fri 08:30-18:00
Sat 09:00-14:00
Sun 11:00-14:00

The nearest supermarket is Saariselkä Kuukkeli, right in the center of Saariselkä. Post Office and Alko store serve you in the same building.

The Frontier supply store

In the competition area, guests are served daily by the Frontier supply store, where you can buy groceries from toilet paper to cold drinks.

Taxi and Bus Services

Vuotso taxi +358 449777490
Ivalo taxi +358 100 87888 (0.82 € / phone + pvm / mpm)
Saariselkä taxi +358 400 394862
Sodankylä taxi +358 200 99 600
JBus (bus transport) +358 400 291582


The nearest Otto ATM is located in Ivalo. More ATMs near you can find from Missä Otto -application (in Finnish).

Car rental

You can also get a rental car to get to Tankavaara;  Finavia’s airports have car rental companies, such as the nearest Ivalo, Rovaniemi and Kittilä airports.
