Finnish Open Gold Panning Championships 2025
The Gold Panning Championships in Lapland are a great experience for the whole family, whether they come to compete or to watch.
There is also a category for beginner gold panners, so if you haven’t tried it before, you can still take part in the competition: but others are pro-panners, naturally! The rules of the competition are quite easy: the winner is the one who finds all the hidden gold nuggets the fastest! Championships will be organized in cooperation with the Gold Prospectors Association of Finnish Lapland together with Tankavaara Gold Village.
PLEASE REMEMBER Competition office want to know the names of all participants, so each competitor must register with their own name, thank you!

In Cooperation:
Tankavaaran Kultakylä, Lapin Kullankaivajain Liitto, Visit Sompio, Team Deadwood ry, JBus Oy.